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"The art of healing comes from nature, not from the physician. Therefore the physician must start from nature, with an open mind." 




Made from highly diluted forms of natural substances, homeopathy has been around for over 200 years and is used worldwide. Based on the principle 'treat like with like'; which means substances taken in diluted amounts can cure the same symptoms they would cause if taken in large amounts. As an example, if you drank too much coffee, you may experience symptoms of insomnia, sensitivity, racing thoughts, restlesseness/nervous energy. Highly diluted forms of coffee is used in homeopathy (the remedy: coffea) to address those same symptoms.

Remedies are made from the plant, animal and mineral kingdom and are usually given in the form of pillules or powders. 

Homeopathy can be used to address both acute and chronic health conditions, mental and emotional health and to reduce susceptibilty to illnesses. 

due to their being no material substance in a remedy, homeopathy is safe to use alongside medication, throughout pregnancy, childbirth and for babies and pets.

Flower Essences

Flower essences are made from capturing the healing essence of a flower in water and placed in sunlight, where the magnetic rays of the sun will transfer the healing essence to water, this is then made into a tincture and used orally as drops to be taken for emotional balance.

Each flower holds it's own healing pattern, defined by the colour, shape, smell, it's natural habitat and the nature of how it grows. Flower essnces have been used for many years and throughout different cultures on our planet.

The most common ones are Bach rescue remedy sold in most health food shops and is used for panic, acute anxiety and emotional disrtess.

Flower essences can act as a catalyst to help resolve negative emotional states and belief patterns as well as providing emotional support when navigating very difficult and stressful periods in life.

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Biochemic tissue salts

Biochemic tissue salts were discovered by Dr Schuessler, a Phycisist and chemist in the late ninteenth century who discovered that there are 12 inorganic vital minerals found in the body and each cell. Each mineral is responsible for supporting and maintaining specific physiological functions in the body (see remedies for more information). Due to modern day diets, environmental toxins, stress and other factors, we can easily become deficient in these vital minerals.

The biochemic tissue salts, are  micro dose of each mineral, prepared homeopathically to a 6X potency that can help the body to restablish itself if there is a deficiency in a specific mineral.

They can be used in childhood health illnesses, throughout pregnancy and post natal healing when mother may need extra mineral support, and throughout different stages in our lives when we may beed extra support.

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